Inspiration Over Motivation

An entrepreneur and speaker by the name of Mel Robins originated the start of this idea which came to my mind about the difference between inspiration and motivation. They are incredibly different and distinguishing the two is very important.

Motivation is when people have that “feel good” attitude and want to act on a feeling of theirs. It’s by no means terrible to have, in fact; it is great to have this feeling. However, it’s never there to use when you need it. You are rarely motivated when you need to be, and sometimes you are motivated when it doesn’t matter. In other words, motivation is highly unreliable. Instead, I think we should be aiming for inspiration.

Inspiration is a long-term solution to being able to work effectively and in great quantity. Where motivation is just a rush of feeling for action, inspiration is a calling that we can rely on and refer back to anytime. 

So what about motivational content? Isn’t it just a quick rush for personal and professional action? Well, it can be. Motivational content whether it is in a video, audio or written form in my mind is an excellent way to boost yourself to a place of long-term inspiration. This type of content can be used to plant the seeds of inspiration for what you need your long-term goals to be, but in the end, you should not have to rely on this content to reach your goals. If you look at almost any successful individual, they probably don’t ingest the motivational substance, but their goals inspire them which makes them pursue action. They reach a place of self-sustaining action and inspiration.

Part of the reason that motivation and motivational content doesn’t work long term is that we become immune to the same ideas and type of motivation. The best way to be inspired in my opinion is to scale up from motivational content. At first this content may be useful, but eventually, it will wear on you. At this point, you should be motivated by more in-depth concepts, ideas, and books which will grow you as an individual more than anything. Once mid-depth ideas wear on you, your own goals, plans, and personal manifesto should inspire you in great lengths. 

I have personally found that this is a great way to get long-term practical and actionable goals. Find what connects to your dreams and inspires your future, and let it drive you.