The Human Condition

Why are we how we are? Humans have certain innate qualities that come with having consciousness and free will as we do. We call the characteristics, key events, and situations which make the human existence, like birth, growth, emotionality, aspiration, conflict, and morality the Human Condition (by the way I looked up that definition and didn’t just come up with it. Its part of the human condition haha). Virtually everything we do, act, feel, and think is part of the human condition. 

We can sum up our feelings and use the thought of our inherent behavior to make us feel better. For example, pain, sadness, grief, depression, etc., is just part of the human condition. In these times we should recognize this and honor the struggle.

Similarly, for positive feelings of joy, bliss, excitement, warm sensations, we should just let ourselves feel happy. It’s part of our DNA to handle and feel such things.

It is part of such condition that makes some of us ambitious “go-getters” that want to change the world and also what makes some of us lazy sloths of empirical depression.

Our desire to be social is natural and is in part responsible for our population complaints so often about not be satisfied with life’s endeavors. People are not engaging with each other as much as we used to. Some technology is also making certain areas of our brain turn to mush from certain areas of critical thinking. For example, hen was the last time you memorized a seven-digit phone number. For me, (besides my number)? I haven’t memorized someone’s number since 6th or 7th grade. We need critical thinking and learning skills, but our need for more has eliminated the requirement for specific memory skills.

Jon Bellion made a great album describing human characteristics and tendencies.

We focus on things that taste good, rather than foods that are good for us. We surround ourselves with people who make us feel wanted/ important, not people who push us to our boundaries and betterment. We like people on our phones, not in real life. We produce situations that turn into our biggest obstacles and create our downfall.

Humans have patterns just like anything else. The downfall and rise of our civilization is almost inevitable. In the Bible, it shows this pattern of human behavior. Someone is anointed a king for wise decisions which is their rise yet eventually goes crazy, disregards the betterment of humanity, or makes poor decisions which is their downfall.

Now you might wonder why it matters to do anything for our rise? After all, we all die and in a very short time span in the grand scheme of things and our very existence literally makes no sense at all. These are all natural thoughts of the human condition, and I would argue it is to reach a higher meaning that is important to you. Your individual life and consciousness is a mere miracle, therefore; you must do what you can to survive and always be on the rise.

We always need to strive for more and better to improve the entirety of humanity. Our future is on the line, and both the rise and fall of it are due to the human condition. Seeking wisdom and the betterment of the future is really what matters.