The Joy Is In The Climb

Why do people feel joy at the peak of a mountain? Well, they went and climbed the whole thing first. The process of getting to the top was tiring, experientially rewarding, and made the climb made the peak that much better. If they had taken a helicopter or plane and just flown over the mountain, it would have been cool, but not nearly as mind-blowing as if they climbed the mountain.

   All the accolades, rewards, money, fame, etc. don’t make a journey happy. What makes a journey a mentally positive experience is the process and fight to get to the top, not the top in of its self. Don’t get me wrong; I’d love to drive a Ferrari right now. However, I don’t want it unless I’ve worked my way to get it. I never want to stop the journey. This is the same reason why I feel right now like I will not want to retire when I’m older.

    Matthew McConaughey said in an Oscar acceptance speech that his hero was him in 10 years. Then ten years went by, and he said he wasn’t even close to being his hero, but his hero now was him in another ten years. You see he is never going to be his hero, but it is the chase of becoming one’s hero that we must all choose to endure. If you can take a situation and derive happiness from experience then the results aren’t nearly as significant. 

  This is a factor why so many millionaires have committed suicide. They got what they wanted and what they wanted was a Rolls Royce, and to be a top financial dog. They then get depressed because they have everything they wanted and don’t know what is next. I’m not saying this is the only factor in why lots of millionaires have committed suicide, but it has been a factor in many cases. 

There is always something more out there. There will always be another struggle to have. You can start another company, enter into another competition, train for another sport, travel to another place, etc. No one has done everything or been everywhere, therefore; your process can never end. I would intentionally set yourself up to love the wear and tear of something new so you can go forever. Don’t play a limited game, play an infinite game. Enjoying the climb does that FOR you.


Honor the struggle and honor the process. When you hit an obstacle tell yourself that there should be a struggle here and that it is okay. There are supposed to be ups and downs, and that’s what makes life worth living because once your journey starts to look rough, it will eventually get much better.